Data Sources

This website relies upon data supplied by the Statistics & Data Portal of the Office of Rail and Road, described on Wikipedia as "a non-ministerial government department responsible for the economic and safety regulation of Britain's railways, and the economic monitoring of National Highways."

Station attributes (name, location details, managing TOC, etc) are taken from the ORR Table 6329 - Station attributes for all mainline stations.

Passenger usage data is from the individual archived versions of Table 1410 - Passenger entries and exits by station. The raw aggegated data can also be found in Table 1415 - Time series of passenger entries and exits

Data Atribution & Licensing

All data from the Office of Rail and Road contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Other Copyright Issues

Data columns included within Table 1410 have varied over the years and required some cleaning to standardise. The data for 2002-2003 was particularly poor with multiple misspellings of station names and even duplicated names that required a fair bit of research to reconcile to the correct location.
It would therefore be appropriate to incldue a credit and link to this site if reusing the cleaned data.

ASCII art created here

View Full Data Cleaning Notes
  Coordinate Conversion is from OS_Easting / OS_Northing given in data file into longitude / latitude given by:
    "ETRS89 Geodetic ( Decimal Degrees )" data column from Ordnance Survey's Batch Conversion tool

ORR_Table 1410:

    Identified Kempton Park and Watford Stadium showing as N/A in raw data table.

    : Station Name spelling mistakes left mostly intact if name still easily identifiable.
    : No unique identity codes => used NLC based on station name searches against 2004-2005 data.
    : Duplicated station names identified and incorrect version reconciled.
        Seaford         => Seaforth & Litherland
        Lichfield City	=> Lichfield Trent Valley
        Swinton         => Swinton (Greater Manchester)
        Barrow Haven    => Barrow-Upon-Soar
        Trefforest      => Trefforest Estate
        Shoreham by Sea	=> Shoreham (Kent)
        Garth           => Garth (Powys)
        Brockley        => Brockley Whins
        Clifton Down    => Clifton

    Removed secondary TLC and NLC codes from "STP & KCM - 1555 & 1427 - London St.Pancras & King's Cross Thameslink"

    Heathrow Stations included in spreadsheet but without NLC of pax figures, therefore not imported.
		Manchester United Football Ground left as empty data